


Wiesław Komasa, Janusz Stolarski (Warszawa)

“Job” based on Karol Wojtyła

19. 11. 2009 – Thursday
7 pm
Stefan Jaracz Theatre, Chamber Stage, ul. Jaracza 27

About Christian Culture Festival

Christian Culture Festival was organized for the first time in 1997 on 10th Anniversary of the Logos Theatre. In a sense, it extends the idea of Christian Culture Weeks organized in Poland in 70s and 80s of the last century, which were to become counterpoise to lay media model promoted by the State. Lodz Christian Culture Days were organized in churches all around the city, so as to accommodate the artists, spectacles, exhibitions and projections.

One of such places was the John Paul lecture theatre in the vault of the Assumption of Holy Mother Church in Kościelna Street. This is where the Logos Theatre started, before it was moved to the church in Maria Skłodowska-Curie. It was this church that Archbishop Władysław Ziółek gave to the Lodz artists in 1993, and in which the Centre of Creative Communities’ of Lodz Archdiocese was appointed. It is here that the ‘logistic’ centre of the Festival is located, and where some of the Festival events take place.

Traditionally, the Festival takes place in November, on the first Sunday after All Soul’s Day. It usually lasts for two weeks, during which various event take place – spectacle premiers, other theatres come to Lodz, there are exhibitions of invited artists, performances of choirs and musicians, very often not to be seen anywhere else in Poland at any other time. The Festival programme is the result of the whole year’s work of rev. Waldemar Sondka, the Festival Director, who – using his contacts – invites artists who are interesting, out of the ordinary, noteworthy and creating art perhaps not always religious, but always searching and at the highest level. Care for the level of the Festival offers is a permanent rule, the Logos environment has always wished to provide the Lodz citizens with the possibility of contact with art deprived of parochialism, open to the man and as perfect formally as possible.

The Festival is not an activity that brings profit. Any entrance cards are issued as invitations that are free of charge, and the team of the Logos Theatre and all the people engaged in the Festival organization, act as volunteers. This does not mean that Christian Culture Festival costs nothing. On the contrary, to organize such a cultural event at appropriate level is always connected with costs. Rev. Waldemar Sondka deals with organizing means to secure the Festival events all year round. He manages to gain sponsors (without whom the Festival would not exist) and subsidies from institutions that deal with funding culture (without which the Festival could not develop). All that in order to realize the basic idea of the event that derived from the Lodz Christian Culture Days – to enable anyone who wishes and needs that, to live the Mystery through art. This idea assumes a free of charge participation in all the artistic events, which has been the case since the very beginning of the Festival until today, the only condition is that on the day of the Festival opening, one must queue as long as it takes to get invitations. The only limit to the number of invitations is the capacity of rooms in which the events are organized every day throughout the two weeks of the Festival.



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“Job” based on Karol Wojtyła


Directed by: Marek Pasieczny
Stage design and costumes: Barbara Gębczak
Music: Zbigniew Łowżył and Krzysztof Nowikow

Who knows the story of Job and still believes it? A scornful laughter of Satan from that book is particularly heard today: “Job boasts about because he’s the man of wisdom”. Those who are well-off do not mix God with that. But the parable about Job according to Karol Wojtyła also has the other side to it, the one that very poetically talks about suffering. It will be the Beauty that will redeem the world. Perhaps the beauty of this story will bring some relief to those who are not so well-off….

Marek Pasieczny

A theatre director, who made his debut in 1987 with his interpretation of “The Summer Day” by Sławomir Mrożek at the Stu Theatre in Kraków. Since then he has made over 20 spectacles, e.g. “Jutro” by Joseph Conrad (Słowacki Theatre in Kraków, 1989), “Zmiana” by Paulo Claudel (Stary Teatr in Kraków, 1990), “Szklana Menażeria” by Tennesee Williams (Solski Theatre in Tarnów, 1993), “Antygona w Nowym Jorku” by Janusz Głowacki (Współczesny Theatre in Szczecin, 1994), “Kowal Malambo” by Tadeusz Słobodzianek (Bałtycki Drama Theatre in Koszalin, 1995), “Dziecko” by Jon Fosse (Siemaszkowa Theatre in Rzeszów, 2002), “Podział południa” by Paul CIaudel (Kochanowski Theatre in Opole, 2003), “Chłopcy” by Stanisław Grochowiak (Teatr Nowy in Łódz, 2004), “Łucja i jej dzieci” by Marek Pruchniewski (Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin, 2005), “Szalona Greta” by Stanisław Grochowiak (Teatr Nowy in Łódź, 2005). He realized “Peer Grynt” spectacle with the Warsaw Montownia Theatre.

Wiesław Komasa

Actor, educationalist – professor of Theatre Academy of A. Zelwerowicz in Warsaw. He graduated from PWST of L. Solski in Kraków in 1971, worked in theaters in Kalisz, Poznań, with the team of Janusz Wiśniewski in Warsaw. He also played in several theatre, film and TV performances with such directors as I. Cywińska, M. Prus, J. Nyczak, J. Wiśniewski, P. Cieplak, J. Jarnuszkiewicz, P. Łazarkiewicz, M. Treliński, M. Łazarkiewicz, F. Bajon, A. Żuławski. With the team of J. Wiśniewski, he received many prestigious rewards and distinctions at some of the greatest European and world festivals.

He has also many times been a laureate of the Festival of Little Theatre Forms in Wrocław. As part of his artistic oeuvre, he holds some spectacles that were directed by him in the theatres of Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Zielona Góra, Gdynia, Białystok, Biesko Biała and Paris. Curretly, he plays as a guest in Warsaw theatres, e.g. Studio Theatre together with I. Jun in “Filozofia po góralsku” by J. Tischner, or in Współczesny Theatre with Maja Komorowska in a spectacle “Mimo wszystko”.

He also runs workshops and presents numerous poetic concerts both in Poland and abroad. His diploma works with students of Theatre Academy in Warsaw have been rewarded at Students' Festivals in Łódź. He is the author of a poetic book “Mieć jak rzeka swoje źródło”, which is a result of his long-lasting meetings with students and his thinking over education. For his artistic and educational achievements, he has been awarded with a Ministry of Culture Reward and Bronze Cross of Merit.

Janusz Stolarski

Theatre actor, graduated from PWST in Kraków. He co-operated with Polski Theatre in Poznań (Dziady), Stary Theatre (Don Juan, Tryptyk Wyspiański), Stu Theatre in Kraków (Hamlet), Kochanowski Theatre in Opole (Niewinni by H. Broch), Osmy Dzień Theatre (Szczyt, Arka) and the Polish Dance Thatre (Przypadki Pana von K – as a co-director). He is the author if monodramas “Ecce Homo” by F. Nietzsche and “Zemsta czerwonych bucików” by D. Galas – rewarded at festivals in Toruń, Wrocław, Szczecin and Minsk.

During his studies and after them, he co-operated with Mirosław Kocur, also a director.

1986 — 1988 — actor at Drugie Studio in Wrocław – a few leading roles

1988 — 1989 — Państwowy Teatr in Kielce (directed two one-act performances by Vaclav Havel)

from 1990 to 2002 Polish Theatre actor in Poznań; several leading roles,

1991 — “ECCE HOMO” performance by F. Nietzsche;

1992 — Poznań Artistic Reward for young creators,

1994 — co-produces ANTRAKT, the Currently Independent Society of Various Theatre Activities

1994 — actor of Sekta Theatre, founded by Lech Raczak,

1995 — realizes “Zemsta Czerwonych Bucików” spectacle by Philip-Dimitii Galas

1996 — laureate of Medal of Young Art, rewarded by “Glos Wielkopolski” printing house

from 1998 till today – co-operation with Osmy Dzień Theatre – participation in Szczyt and Arka performances

between 1998 – 2000 — performing as a guest in Stary Theatre in Kraków – (Don Juan in “Don Juan” and Wyspiański in “Tryptyk Wyspiański” directed by Marek Fiedor)

1999 acts as Andrzej in “Niewinni” by Broch directed byMarek Fiedor in Kochanowski Theatre in Opole

From 2000 till today — he performes as a guest at the Stu Theatre in Kraków (a role in Hamlet directed by Krzysztof Jasiński)

2001 – realizes “Grabarz Królów” spectacle by Jerzy Łukosz, directed by Mirek Kocur with music of Anna Zielińska

2004 – participation in 38. International Meetings of One-Actor Theatres in Wrocław, with his monodrama “Ecce Homo”, “Zemsta Czerwonych Bucików” and “Grabarz Journalists” Award of Tadeusz Burzyński, Award of the Wrocław City Town Hall President
Senator Bogusław Litwiniec Award,
Award of Iren Rzeszowska

from 2004 – co-operation with Usta-Usta Theatre founded by Marcin Liber (four performances)

2005 – co-direction of spectacles of Polish Dance Theatre “Przypadki Pana von K.” and “La lotta continua”;

from 2006 – actor at the Studio Theatre in Warsaw

2008/2009 – “Kod” monodrama realisation